Hinweis unseres Partners der Handelskammer Hamburg
Hamburg-Osaka Friendship City 30th Anniversary Commemoration Program
Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen unserer Mitglieder & Partner anzeigenHotel Atlantic Kempinski
An der Alster 72-79
20099 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 28880
The Osaka Promotion Seminar and complementary networking reception for attendants will be held on this commemorable 30th anniversary milestone of Hamburg-Osaka Friendship City Affiliations. Come learn about the strengths and appeals of business in Osaka-Kansai!
Organizers and Partners
City of Osaka
JETRO Berlin, Handelskammer Hamburg
Consulate General of Japan in Hamburg
Please submit your reply via mail or fax by September 18 (Wed.), Addressed to Ms. Oshita or Ms. Miyatsuji of Business and International Promotion Division, Economic Strategy Bureau, City of Osaka
Mail address: ga0005@city.osaka.lg.jp, Fax: 06-6615-7433