DJW Veranstaltungen

Japamburg within DJW - Meet the Network

German-Japanese Business Stories from Hamburg: #1 Olympus

Technology Innovation | Hamburg-Japanese Success Stories | Business Exchange

Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.

Aktuelle DJW-Veranstaltungen anzeigen
Mi 20.09.2023, 17:30 - 20:00 (MESZ)

Olympus Europa SE
Wendenstraße 20
20097 Hamburg

Japamburg is a non-profit German-Japanese network founded in 2021 and based in Hamburg. The community aims at linking business representatives in Hamburg, Germany and Japan even more closely via regular event formats covering innovation topics of German-Japanese interest. Since 2023, Japamburg is organized within DJW as working group creating deepening synergies between our two organizations.

With the premiere of our even closer cooperation between Japamburg and DJW, we are very pleased to invite you to the first network meeting "Japamburg within DJW"! As hosts we could win Olympus, with whom we will lay the foundation for a wide-reaching visibility for this and future Japamburg events. The success story of Olympus, a Japanese investment in Hamburg, is written by innovations especially in the field of medical technology, science and industry. Topics such as the new forms of intercultural collaboration and 'New Work' also provided the company with opportunities for creativity, employer branding and talent development. On September 20, we will dive into insights on how 'New Work' is shaped by Olympus' management and team.


  • 17:30 
    • Registration & Welcome Reception
    • Olympus Campus Lobby
    • Please be on time as doors close at 17:55.
  • 18:00 s.t.  
    • Opening: Johannes Budkiewitz, Network Leader of Japamburg within DJW
    • Presentation: Olympus, a Globally Leading MedTech Company and its Commitment for Training & Education.
    • Conference Room Tokyo, Ground Floor
    • Dr. Thorsten Luedtke, VP Global Professional Affairs / Head of Medical & Scientific Affairs EMEA, Olympus Europa
  • 18:30  
    • Olympus Campus Tour
    • Focus topics:
      • Medical: Showrooms & E-TEC
      • New Work: Multisuite & Broadcast Studio
      • Creativity & Exchange: Themed Bridges Floors 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
  • 19:15
    • Open Get-together & Networking
    • Roof terrace / Meeting Room Takachiho Floor 10
  • 20:00 
    • End of the event



Participation Fee

Participation is free of charge for everybody interested. Non-Members of DJW are most welcome to explore the benefits of a DJW membership and join us as a member

Prior registration is to be completed via the above green button.


Johannes Budkiewitz
Leader of Network

Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftskreis e. V. (DJW)
Anne Pomsel
Managing Director


Everybody interested is most welcome to join the networking event, meeting with business representatives within the Hamburg-Japanese community. We look forward to seeing you then and there!
