
DJW Squad Café

Results and Further Collaboration.

share updates • exchange experiences • brainstorm new ideas

Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.

Aktuelle DJW-Veranstaltungen anzeigen
Mo 15.06.2020, 13:30 - 15:30 (MESZ)

Online via Microsoft Teams

About one year after we introduced the squads as elements of our agile project organisation, a lot is in motion:

The development of a "Networking Hub", the planning of an "Executive Lounge", concepts for our "Startup Approach" and "Career Services" as well as basic ideas for dealing with "Communication" and "Economic Policy".

This Squad Café gives our members the opportunity to share updates, exchange experiences, brainstorm new ideas and get to know each other better. We have invited an external moderator, Jürgen Kast, who will guide us through the session. 

Participation is only open to DJW members. We recommend that you also attend our annual members' assembly, which takes place earlier that day. The meetings had originally been planned as face-to-face meetings, but - due to the continuing uncertain situation with regard to the Corona pandemic - will be held online via Microsoft Teams, thus allowing even more members to participate. 

We look forward to meeting you online!

Picture of Engin Akyurt at Pixabay. Picture of Engin Akyurt at Pixabay.
