Perspectives and Contributions from Japan and Germany


2023-06-01, 08:00 - 11:00 (MESZ)
2023-06-01, 15:00 - 18:00 (JST)


Space system services such as telecommunications, navigation and Earth observation are indispensable for the functioning of modern societies. They provide voice and data communications, maritime and aeronautics navigation, weather forecast, disaster relief or intelligence gathering, to name a few examples. But as more countries and private actors are venturing into space, the security and sustainability of space has increasingly become threatened – and thereby impacting resilience on earth.

Space systems in orbit have always been confronted with a number of dangers, including meteoroids and solar storms. The current expansion of commercial activities and opportunities in space combined with the growing potential for conflicts in orbit between the actors involved has further raised another major, man-made risk: space debris. The amount of defunct equipment left in the orbit is on the rise – and thus the risk for minor but also major collisions increases. Collisions cause further debris, and even small pieces pose a serious threat because of the high velocities involved. An exponential rise of debris fragments in space could one day even make it impossible to safely utilize satellites and thus have a major impact on earth.
Unhindered access to space by promoting the safe and sustainable use of space is of utmost importance for Germany and Japan. Both countries are at the forefront of developing technologies to mitigate the space debris problem and are looking back on decades of close cooperation in the space domain.

This symposium will bring together Japanese and German perspectives to reflect on strategies and regulations, stakeholders and claims, innovative technologies, and also the Japanese and German contributions to improve sustainability in space.

The event is organized as an on-site event at DWIH Tokyo (OAG Hall, 7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052) but will also be streamed online. It will also be followed by a reception on-site at DWIH Tokyo.


In cooperation with the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH Tokyo) and )


Conference language will be English with simultaneous interpretation into Japanese.


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