Empowering Conversations with Yumi Lloyd: From Survival to Triumph Through Lingerie Design

DJW会員ユミ・ロイド(MAXY MEDIA)主催イベント

2023-10-28, 14:00 - 16:00 (MESZ)

Haus der Universität
Schadowplatz 14, 40212 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49-211-81 10337

Be inspired by Yumi's extraordinary journey from cancer diagnosis to triumph, told through the intimate lens of lingerie design. Don't miss this chance to connect, uplift, and celebrate the resilience of the human spirit.


  • English

Target Group(s):

The event is open to anyone seeking inspiration and valuable networking contacts.

  • Cancer survivors & their relatives
  • Health & fashion professionals
  • Entrepreneurs & creative professionals
  • People interested in prevention


  • Richard Mort - Japan / Europe Bridge and facilitator 


  • 14:00: Event Opens
  • 14:15 - 14:45: Yumi Lloyd's Inspirational Talk
  • 14:45 - 15:00: Audience Q+A
  • 15:00 - 16:00: Refreshments and Networking

The Talk:

Yumi Lloyd, originally from Japan, moved to the UK for studies in 1999 and later founded MaxyMedia in Germany. Her life took an extraordinary turn in 2021 when she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Despite the challenging journey that included surgeries and radiation therapy, Yumi emerged triumphant, always with an incredibly positive outlook. Her inspiring story encapsulates the importance of preventative care and serves as a strong testament to human resilience.

Business Networking:

Lingerie for Heroines is not just a design concept but also a brilliant venture by Yumi, offering a unique business perspective. Leverage this opportunity to network with professionals from various industries.

Social Aspect:

Yumi's story is not just about survival but also about thriving in the face of adversity. Let's extend the conversation into the importance of preventative care, holistic well-being, and maintaining a work-life balance, which is pivotal in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Why Should You Attend:

  • Empower yourself through an inspiring real-life narrative
  • Network with business professionals active in German-Japanese circles
  • Elevate your understanding of preventative health care
  • Enjoy premium refreshments while expanding your social circle

We invite you to join us in what promises to be an enriching afternoon of storytelling, networking, and communal growth. Let's celebrate life, resilience, and the endless possibilities that come when two diverse business cultures intersect.


  • €10,00 / person (cash only)



Our event, though insightful, serves a charitable cause. Your participation fee is directly allocated for drinks and light snacks to ensure a comfortable networking environment.

For any queries, feel free to contact us. We look forward to your presence.


Yumi Lloyd (MaxyMedia)


© Yumi Lloyd (Maxy Media) © Yumi Lloyd (Maxy Media)
