Expand your business with Japan
Event of our member JETRO Düsseldorf
Now is the right time to expand your business in Japan, the third largest economy in the world. The Japanese economy continues to develop by continuously incorporating innovations such as IoT, AI, etc. into the real world. This is what Japan calls “Society 5.0.”.
In recent years, many large Japanese corporations have been looking for competitive startups all over the world to collaborate in the development of new technologies/products/services. Startup acceleration programmes in Japan are not only being launched by major international startup accelerators such as Plug and Play or Rainmaking Innovation but also by many public institutions. “Next Step Japan” is the first such programme from Germany. In June this year, the second batch of German tech innovators made their first move into Japan via this programme.
In our web‑based seminar, we would like to show you how to develop your business in Japan. The event is aimed at German and European startups, VCs, CVCs and startup accelerators. JETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is a Japanese governmental organization, which promotes foreign direct investment in Japan as well as the expansion of Japanese business overseas.
German Startup Association, Mr. Tim Miksche
Global Brain, Ms. Rina Obi
JETRO Düsseldorf, Mr. Ryo Koba, Deputy Director-General
The language of the event is English. Please register for participation on the following website by 4th‑September‑2020: https://www.jetro.go.jp/form5/pub/tcd/startupwoche
The full programme can be viewed here: https://www5.jetro.go.jp/newsletter/tcd/2020/startupwoche2020/Invitation.pdf