
'Export to Japan' webinar series 34: EU Advantages on Agriculture and Food Products: Meat products

What advantages do EU meat and meat products have in Japanese market?


2022-02-09, 10:30 - 11:00 (MEZ)


Japan's food self-sufficiency has been decreasing as Japanese dietary lifestyle changed and consume more meat than they did traditionally. Domestically Japanese livestock farmers continued to decrease due to a shortage of successors, and they now rely more on meat supplies from overseas. To meet increasing domestic demand, many Japanese livestock farmers adopt large-scale production methods, which could potentially make them susceptible to the risk of disease outbreaks.

With EPA trade partners, Japan agreed to reduce tariff rates (both ad valorem and specific duties) and give higher safeguard levels to incentivize meat export and stabilize meat supply in Japan. Japanese authorities frequently update a list of ‘Third Free Countries’ and ensure safety and quality of meat to Japanese consumers. European countries are competitive players in Japanese frozen pork and processed meat product markets. European hams and sausages in particular are marketed in Japan with strong brand names under Geographical Indications (GIs) scheme and are sold for premium prices.

Target group

EU small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


Please find the details here and register for this event by 8 February 2022.

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