
'About Japan' webinar series 225: Japanese Business Culture - Techniques for effective virtual communication with Japanese partners

Do you want strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to accelerate the quality of virtual communication with Japanese partners?


2024-02-13, 10:30 - 11:30 (MEZ) オンライン

Under the Covid crisis we surveyed a wide range of Japanese managers involved in large-scale Japanese-European collaborative arrangements about their experiences of online business meetings and virtual communication with their European counterparts. Both sides expressed considerable irritations about virtual communication, but it emerged that causes of the mutual frustration sprang from markedly different motivations. After careful analysis of these findings, we have been able to develop a series of tools and techniques for perfecting ways of navigating virtual communication and interaction with Japanese partners.

The webinar is targeted to EU companies seeking a fresh perspective on virtual communication with Japanese partners.


Deadline: 12 February 2024

Please find more information including the registration form via

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