What are the main drivers in the growing market for log houses in Japan? What are the opportunities for EU log house manufacturers and industry related SMEs?
Although log houses aren’t exactly a housing style the Japanese are familiar with, in recent years, due to various reasons, the number of people choosing to build and live in a log house has been gradually increasing.
Even if log houses have made their appearance in Japan only in the 1970s to satisfy the taste of a very limited portion of Japanese consumers, found of imported, North American or North European life-style, and nature lovers, in the last few years, partially drove by the same drivers that are pushing the market internationally, partially due to Japan-specific drives, the number of log houses that can be spot throughout the country, other than in remote or famous resort areas, is steadily growing.
Changes in the law, (including new building standards that impose lower Co2 emissions and higher sustainability levels), in customers perception, often related to log houses’ technological improvements, and in Japanese demographics are key factors that make log houses more appealing to their potential buyers, and therefore more competitive on the domestic housing market.
There is, of course, a number of challenges to be taken into account, such as Japan’s harsh climate, the frequency of natural disasters, in particular earthquakes, and strict fire prevention rules, as well as a long and advanced tradition of architecture in wood. Yet, these same challenges can also very well represent opportunities for EU log house makers interested in accessing the Japanese market.
Collaborations in the joint development of improved models and materials, as well as in sharing unique skills, could be beneficial to producers and consumers both in Europe and Japan.
The webinar is targeted to: EU log house manufacturers, potential newcomers or companies with a presence on the Japanese market but interested in the latest market trends, forestry management experts, importers/exporters, woodwork associations, real estate agencies and investors, tour operators, architects, interior designers, and anyone interested in the Japanese housing market.
In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:
- Log houses' historical background, worldwide and in Japan
- Japan wooden housing tradition and the wood shock
- The evolution of the housing market in Japan
- Japan-specific log house market drivers, in particular how demographic and legal changes have influenced the domestic market
- Some case studies and applications
- Opportunities and tips for SMEs
Further information including the registration form is available via https://www.eu-japan.eu/eubusinessinjapan/library/event/about-japan-webinar-series-220-log-house-market-japan-tips-and-opportunities-eu-smes.