DJW "Asa no Kai"
2017-02-16, 08:00 - 10:00 , Munich
with Karl Alexander Haeusgen, Speaker of the Board of Management, HAWE Hydraulik SE

with Karl Alexander Haeusgen, Speaker of the Board of Management, HAWE Hydraulik SE
Matching Career Management and Talent Seeking
Platform for discussion of business women-related Japanese-German issues.
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Cologne area.
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Düsseldorf area.
with Dr. Christian Becker-Asano, Robert Bosch GmbH
with Dr. Nicolas Schauer, CEO, Metabolomic Discoveries GmbH
with Dr. Stefan Sacré, CEO, EagleBurgmann GmbH
with Dr. Ludger Neumann, Scientific Director, L’Oréal Germany