DJW "Asa no Kai"
2017-10-26, 08:00 - 11:00 , Frankfurt
with Axel Hellmann, Member of the Executive Board, Eintracht Frankfurt Fußball AG, and Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong, Director, Olympic Studies Centre (OSC)

with Axel Hellmann, Member of the Executive Board, Eintracht Frankfurt Fußball AG, and Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong, Director, Olympic Studies Centre (OSC)
Platform for discussion of business women-related Japanese-German issues.
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Frankfurt area.
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Düsseldorf area.
Platform for discussion of IT-related Japanese-German issues.
DJW日独「キャリアフォーラム」は、以下の2グループを対象として開催されます。 1) ドイツ関連ビジネスに関する知識、経験などを持つ人材の採用を検討する日独企業 2) ドイツ関連の仕事に従事したい、またはドイツ企業への就職を希望する人材
DJW の紹介、目的と活動
with Oliver Zille, Director, Leipzig Book Fair
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Kansai area.
EMO - Weltleitmesse der Metallbearbeitung
Für DJW-Mitglieder mit Interesse an der Zusammenarbeit mit japanischen Partnern, Kollegen oder Kunden
with Takahiro Shiohara, Head, and Dr. Dr. Shinichiro Nishizawa, Deputy Head, R&D Center TDK Europe GmbH
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Essen area.
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Bochum area.
with Professor Haruo Shimada, President, Shimada Sonjuku ("Shimada Village School")
with Peter Hornik (Managing Director, Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rhineland)
with Professor Yoshihiro Takiguchi, President, TAK System Initiative K.K. (München, 27.06.2017)
Platform for discussion of business women-related Japanese-German issues.
Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Tokyo area.