Anwenderseminare Incoterms® 2020
Mo 2020-01-13, 09:00 - Fr 2020-02-21, 16:30 , Nürnberg
Sonderpreise für Mitglieder des DJW
DJW "Members for Members"
2019-12-12, 17:30 - 18:30 , München
On invitation of our member Micheko Galerie.
Info-Lunch & Networking: Supporting Japanese Expatriates
2019-12-12, 12:00 - 14:00 , Düsseldorf
Settling-in and making social contacts.
ブリーフィング機会: 日本、ドイツと中東欧地域: Supported by DJW
2019-12-10, 16:00 - 20:30 , Düsseldorf
Lean Visits in Europe
2019-12-10, 10:30 - 19:30 , Berlin
Accelerate with DFMA, brake, take a turn and win.
Expat Service Desk: Guided Tour to the Christmas Markets in Mettmann and Düsseldorf
2019-12-06, 16:00 - 20:00 , Düsseldorf / Mettmann
For international employees, expats, their families, and especially newcomers
DJW "Asa no Kai"
2019-12-05, 08:15 - 11:30 , Scharnhausen / Stuttgart
with Dipl. Ing. Eberhard Klotz, MBA, Global Sales Director Industry 4.0 and Digitalisation II Dipl. Ing. (FH) Juergen Boeck, Business Development LifeTech, Festo…
Expat-Service-Event "Healthcare in Germany"
2019-12-04, 18:30 - 20:30 , Düsseldorf
For expats with their families, as well as for HR-managers in companies.
E-Commerce in Japan
2019-11-22, 14:00 - 16:00 , Neuss
Mit Redebeiträgen von Rakuten Japan und ARQIS Foreign Law Office
Wissenschaftliches Symposium: "Leadership in a Digital World"
2019-11-22, 08:30 - 17:00 , Stuttgart
Leadership, Education, Personality
Seminar: "Setting up a business in Düsseldorf"
2019-11-21, 14:00 - 17:45 , Düsseldorf
Information for foreign entrepreneurs
2019-11-21, 13:40 - 16:00 , Düsseldorf
Open Innovation and University Collaborations between Japan and Germany
邂逅-独日経済対話: supported by DJW
2019-11-20, 14:00 - 20:00 , Offenbach
Athena XRealities Summit
2019-11-20, 10:30 - 20:30 , München
Exclusive event for pioneers from the automotive, design, and HMI industries.
Mi 2019-11-20, 09:30 - Do 2019-11-21, 20:00 , Frankfurt
Strategien und Anwendungsbeispiele intelligenter Vernetzung
Seminar Medizintechnik im Rahmen der MEDICA 2019: Supported by DJW
2019-11-19, 16:00 - 18:30 , Düsseldorf
Zukunftsmarkt Medizintechnologie – Erfahrungen und Trends in Deutschland und Japan
DJW "Members for Members"
2019-11-12, 18:00 - 20:00 , Tokyo
On invitation of our member Goodpatch GmbH.
第 4回 IDEC - JDGYセミナー 201 9: 『ドイツ中小企業事例に学ぶ』
2019-10-29, 13:30 - 17:00 , Yokohama
"77. Deutsch-Japanische Wirtschaftsgespräche" by DJG Frankfurt, Hojinkai Frankfurt and DJW
2019-10-29, 11:30 - 13:30 , Frankfurt
mit Patrick Welter, Correspondent Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Tokyo Bureau