WACE and a Global WIL Framework
A series of monthly web impulses
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) represents the combination of learning and the professional career. The definition ranges from programs of job qualification and initial training (e.g. apprenticeships/internships or working students) to programs of professional development and new types of learning "on the job". This web series aims to explore the various forms of WIL in the German-Japanese context, spanning from Vocational Training through Dual Study Programs up to advanced training for professionals. Impulses are presented by Japanese, German or International experts that are either from an educational background or are representing best practices and experiences from the industry.
Many businesses are challenged with finding qualified employees or to train existing employees in an continuously changing economic environment without sacrificing productivity. The importance of WIL programs within Germany in higher education within the last couple of years has grown, since many businesses - similar to the widespread vocational training programs - value the benefit of the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical skills. This will be put in the context of international best practices and chances and opportunities that exist in Japan.
With the start of the series, we will begin the introduction to WIL in the first quarter of 2025; the program and the thematic focus of the individual units are summarized for you in the flyer.
Speaker March 2025
Norah McRae, WACE Co-Chair
Team of Organizers
- World Association for Co-operative and Work Integrated Education (WACE)
- Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Japan Forum for Work Integrated Learning (NPO WIL)
- Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftskreis (DJW)
With Upcoming Impulses by
- Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer in Japan (AHK Japan)
- Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW)
- European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB)
- World Alliance for Microcredentials Foundation (WAM)
- etc.
What to expect?
A series of monthly web impulse presentations focusing on best practices, ideas, structures and learnings from Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in Germany and Japan, encouraging to build bridges and expand a common understanding within both countries.
Target Audience
Company representatives from German and Japanese management to talent strategy and WIL Researchers & Practitioners from Higher Education and Vocational Training Organisations
There will be three events each quarter, with one impulse from Japan, one from Germany and one global impulse from WACE and/or renowned speakers.
Participation and registration
Participation is free of charge for all interested parties. When you register via the green button, you will receive the access link to the digital meeting room.
We look forward to a lively discussion and your participation!