
DJW Roundtable

"Digitization in German-Japanese Translation and the Importance of an Effective Communication"

with Dr. Ulrich Apel, WaDokuJiten - Japanese-German Dictionary


2018-06-21, 08:30 - 10:00 ()

Mandarin Oriental
Neuturmstrasse 1
80331 Munich


Apart from digitization, automation and online communication across borders, one fact should be borne in mind: That being able to communicate personally is still one of the greatest goods to successfully complete business. The most direct way is, naturally, using language to express opinion, perspectives, even emotions. Even though English and Chinese are considered to be global languages spoken by the most people, German and Japanese are as important to ensure communication in the third and fourth largest economy in the world.

How could digitization and abstract algorithms support the often highly delicate business communication? How does an online dictionary, just like WaDokuJiten, stay up to date with the most recent expressions, and, even more important, how does it validate their accuracy? Why could it foster the understanding for one another?


Dr. Ulrich Apel studied Japanology, Ethnology, German as a Foreign Language and Sociology in Munich, and continued the studies at Osaka University. For his doctor’s thesis, he carried out research on Japan’s futures studies and futures planning. The lack of an up-to-date dictionary for such a topic led to his electronic Japanese-German dictionary project WaDokuJT. He carried out research at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, with a scholarship by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and continued it as guest researcher and as project researcher.  He was research assistant at Tübingen University, and scientific assistant at Zurich University. 


  • Consul General Tetsuya Kimura
  • Dr. Wolfgang Staguhn, Board Member of JSPS-Club


  • 08:30 – Registration, Networking
  • 09:00 – Opening, Welcome
  • 09:15 – Speech, Discussion
  • 10:00 – Close

Impressions DJW "Roundtable" (München, 21.06.2018)


Speakers at the DJW Roundtable. © DJW Speakers at the DJW Roundtable. © DJW
Speaker Ulrich Apel Speaker Ulrich Apel
