An interview about our squad "Career Services"
„DJW Insight“ #4: Interview with our member Christopher Hecker
In order to connect companies with talents from Japan and Germany, DJW is offering an online job pool and regularly organizes career-related events. In our online expert pool, numerous addresses of personal consultancy firms or headhunters can be found; good relations are maintained with several exchange organizations in both countries. The squad „Career Services“ was brought into life to find ways to raise the huge potential that lies within the DJW network and make available information clearly visible, thus nurturing long-term bonds between Germany and Japan to create a future in which graduates and experts support each other.
The following interview was conducted with our member Christopher Hecker, Research Assistant Program Management of SIBE, Steinbeis University (at the time of the interview), who is responsible for the squad "Career Services" at DJW. SIBE focuses on knowledge transfer to create tangible benefits for companies and enabling students to hone their competencies. This is achieved by offering work-integrated graduate programs, which focus on actual business projects.
1. Please tell us something about yourself and your connection to DJW.
One-year civil service in Aomori and another year in Kyoto for my Master's degree strengthened my bond to Japan which began with Kenjutsu many years ago. Today I work as a Research Assistant at The School for International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Steinbeis University; where I also concluded my second graduate dual management and MBA studies. At the moment, I do my PhD in the area of digital leadership and focus on virtual teams.
My connection to the DJW started during my time as a student. In 2019, I joined the DJW Squad Career Services to build a hub for students and experts in Germany and Japan.
2. What are the goals of the squad “Career Services”?
In view of the demographic change and the resulting challenges (e.g. “War for Talent”), as well as the opportunities that are developing through advancing globalization, the DJW network should clearly show its benefits for career starters, experts and companies. As a broad network with numerous personal as well as corporate members in Japan and Germany, DJW has the potential to connect young people with companies that are active or want to become active in both countries and therefore support them in their internationalization process.
With the Career Squad the following vision is pursued: To establish and nurture long-term bonds between Germany and Japan to create a future in which graduates and experts support each other.
3. What measures are planned to reach these goals?
We decided to structure our squad project into different phases. During the first phase we formulated the milestone to gather and review all existing materials from the DJW network regarding experience reports, connections to Japan and Germany, and other work that has been done to support graduates. This milestone has been achieved and we now have a good overview what we can use right away and what needs to be created in the future.
The second milestone is to design an easy-to-use page on DJW's homepage. We created a first draft of how it could look like and are now in the process of testing if our idea can be implemented. As soon as this is completed we can improve and advance our career information hub for graduates.
The second phase is still in the drafting process, but we are thinking about subprojects such as mentorship between experienced DJW members and graduates and video statements of DJW members who found their path to work in Germany or Japan.
4. Why do you think the topic is important for DJW?
In my opinion, this topic is important because the demographic change and the resulting challenges (e.g. “War for Talent”), as well as the opportunities that are developing through evolving globalization, the DJW network should clearly show its benefits for career starters, experts and companies. As a broad network with numerous personal as well as corporate members in Japan and Germany, DJW has the potential to connect young people with companies that are active or want to become active in both countries and therefore support them in their internationalization process.
5. Where does the squad need support or helping hands?
Our squad would need support from all experienced DJW members who would be willing to talk about their career in Germany/ Japan and share insights and tips with graduates.
Read more:
- About the squad concept of DJW
- „DJW Insight“ #0: DJW and its "Bottom-up Approach"- an interview about how DJW is breaking new grounds by introducing agile working methods (Dr. Julia Münch, former Managing Director of DJW)
- „DJW Insight“ #1: Squad "New Members Germany" - an interview about the strategy and challenges of gaining new members in Germany (Anne Pomsel, Managing Director of DJW)
- „DJW Insight“ #2: Squad "Networking Services" - an interview about challenges and chances of DJW services (Elisa Ono, Member Relations at DJW)
- "DJW Insight" #3: Squad "Communication" - an interview about how the squad helps DJW to raise more awareness about its offers and attract new possible members (Björn Eichstädt, Storymaker, DJW Special Advisor)