Veranstaltung unseres Mitglieds Japan Consulting Office - Germany
Japan Consulting Office (JCO) specializes in improving efficiency in the workplace and communications between Japanese and non-Japanese colleagues. They do this through a range of public courses and in-house training programs addressing culture, leadership and management and other specialized programs such as post-merger and acquisition integration. They support you globally via their offices in Europe, Asia and the United States.
Since 2006, their work has been recognized by their many clients, from large multinationals to SMEs. Their practical and interactive training approach has earned them supplier awards, including the “highest appreciated training institute.”
Date and Registration
September 22, 2020
October 13, 2020
October 29, 2020
To take part in the event, please fill out the registration form and choose the date of your participation.
Participation Fee
395 € (VAT excluded)
Member discount: 350 €
Offer contains:
- Access to all JCO E-learning for 1 month (7 modules on many topics)
- Pre-course questionnaire to identify the most relevant topics for each group
- 3.5h for open session
- 1 paper copy of JCO booklet "working successfully across cultural borders"