Connecting Japanese corporate investors with Startups
Event announcement by our member Astoria Consulting Group
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1-5-5, Nihonbashi-muromachi, Chuoku,
Tokyo 103-0022
The BornGlobal Innovators Forum 2019 is a one day online and in-person event, connecting pioneering start-ups in HealthTech, Digital Health and Medical Devices from across the globe with Japanese corporate venture capital and strategic investors to develop and grow new business alliances. The event is looking for start-up companies that are ready to meet with corporate strategic investors to scale their businesses by entering into POC tests or joint development work. The BornGlobal Innovators Forum invites venture investors of various stages to put their portfolio companies forward and submit an application to pitch. It also invites their investors to join a panel of industry peers and share insight and strategy with Japanese corporate investors.
The BornGlobal Innovators Forum has been developed to address 4 key issues:
1. Support start-ups looking for new partners and collaborators in new capital markets
2. How to market new companies to investors whilst having virtually no travel budget or time
3. Maximising under-resourced CVCs reach to companies around the globe
4. Matching the right partner to your company quickly and efficiently
Find more information here.
For DJW members, 15 webinar passes with access to the matchmaking app BornGlobal Network for all the way through October 31 are available.
Hal Morimoto
Astoria Consulting