GJETC Outreach Event
Veranstaltung unseres Mitglieds ECOS Consult GmbH
Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen unserer Mitglieder & Partner anzeigenDo 25.11.2021, 16:30 - 18:00 (JST)
The challenges posed by the increasing global climate crisis call for more substantial actions to reach climate neutrality. An acceleration of energy transition and socio-ecological transformation are indispensable. At COP 26 in Glasgow, both Germany and Japan will present their specific ambitious targets and roadmaps.
Against this backdrop, the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council will present key approaches found in recent long-term scenario studies on how to reach carbon neutrality until 2045 (Germany) or 2050 (Japan) in an online outreach event "Key strategies of Germany and Japan for climate neutrality".
In the last Council Meeting in September 2021, the GJETC members agreed on the processing of a new comparative study on long-term scenarios assessing the different strategies and approaches of reaching carbon neutrality by 2045/50; it will be finalized until February 2022. This outreach event will present first results and discuss key strategies of Germany and Japan covered by most recent long-term scenarios, demonstrating the variety of strategic approaches in achieving climate neutrality and discussing possible conclusions in the light of the outcomes of COP26.
Further information is available here: http://www.gjetc.org/outreach-events/
English (Japanese simultaneous translation will be provided)
Please register for this event via https://www.ecos.eu/en/project-management/gjetc-outreach-2021.html.