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'Export to Japan' webinar series 35: EU Advantages on Agriculture and Food Products

Dairy products

Veranstaltung unseres Partners EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

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Mi 16.02.2022, 10:30 - 11:30 (MEZ)


30-minute online training on what you should know about processes and procedures relating to EU exports to Japan. It covers trade and administrative rules and regulations relevant to EU businesses which are new to exporting as well as those which carry out regular, on-going businesses with Japan.

Focus is given to small and medium sized EU enterprises (SMEs) and to those sectors which offer growing opportunities to EU exports to Japan, i.e., food and health sectors.

What advantages do EU dairy products have in Japanese market?

The European Union is the largest dairy supplier to Japan, followed by New Zealand, Australia and the United States. Japan generally applies high tariff rates and complex tariff-rate quotas (TQRs) for dairy product imports, while Japan provide these major exporters with preferential tariff rates and TQRs under respective EPA differently.

Particularly to EU dairy products, Japan agreed to reduce or eliminate import duties and increased quota access.  There is no quota for EU hard cheese.  For designated dairy products such as skim and whole milk powder, condensed milk, buttermilk powder, butter and butter oil, and whey, Japan agreed to create a new, market-driven quota for EU designated dairy products. Japan, a major importer of milk albumin and lactose, agreed to eliminate tariffs on these products upon entry into force of EPA with major exporters including the EU. Also, Japan approved a number of EU geographical indications (GIs) for agricultural items including various cheese types, and protect EU brand names.

The webinar targets EU small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


Deadline: 15 February 2022

Please find further information and the registration form on https://www.eubusinessinjapan.eu/library/event/export-to-japan-webinar-series-35-eu-advantages-agriculture-and-food-products-dairy.

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