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'Export to Japan' webinar series 31: Registration process and procedures: Japanese Standards (JIS & JAS)

Does your product meet Japanese standards – JIS and JAS?

Veranstaltung unseres Partners EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

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Mi 19.01.2022, 10:30 - 11:00 (MEZ)


The Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) and the Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) are the major national standards that businesses are required to meet in Japan. They are government-led voluntary standards and are widely taken as a competitive business determinant in both private and public sectors.  Accredited certifying bodies test, inspect and certify conformance with the Standards.

JISare the national standards for mineral and industrial products, data, and services, and set types and quality, and standard values that businesses are required to meet in Japan.  JIS do not cover medicines, agricultural chemicals, chemical fertilizers, and foodstuffs & agricultural and forest products. As of March 20, there are 10, 912 active JIS, 6,321 or 58% of which correspond to international standards.

JAS are the national standards in the field of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food industry.  JAS certify conformity with set standards of (1) products; (2) business entities, (3) performance evaluation and (4) terms relating to agriculture, forestry, fishery and food.  There are (a) general JAS for quality product; (b) specific JAS for specific production methods and for foods with distinctive characteristics; and (c) organic JAS which is a compulsory certification for organic producers to sell organic products in Japan.

Target group

EU small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


Please find the details and register for this event by 18 January 2022 here.

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