Weitere Veranstaltungen

ESG & EU Regulation

Deloitte JSG Academy

Veranstaltung unseres Mitglieds Deloitte Düsseldorf

Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen unserer Mitglieder & Partner anzeigen
Mi 13.03.2024, 15:00 - 17:30 (MEZ)

Deloitte Düsseldorf Office

Erna-Scheffler-Straße 2
40476 Düsseldorf

Deloitte JSG Academy is a series of seminars, which will give you a guidance about selected hot topics based on our experiences on projects for Japanese clients which helps you accelerate your business in Germany/EU. Topics and dates for upcoming sessions will be announced as soon as they are fixed.

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting initiatives and regulations have become one of the most important topics for a sustainable development across all industries. Deloitte is serving Japanese clients in several ESG projects on this topic from various perspectives and it can help you to keep up with required transformation of your business operations to stay compliant and competitive.

Deloitte's ESG experienced team members are going to introduce major considerations and insights around this topic.

Please find more information in the PDF document below.


English (Japanese speaking staff and experts also participate)


Entrance fee: Free of charge

Please register via the link to Registration form by 6th March or contact the event organizer.


Ms. Sumika Wirbser
e-mail: swirbser@deloitte.de


© PIxabay, geralt © PIxabay, geralt
