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'About Japan' webinar series 202: How to Draft a Distribution Agreement and Agency Agreement with Japanese Partners

How to draft a Distribution Agreement and Agency Agreement with Japanese Partners?

Veranstaltung unseres Partners EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

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Di 29.11.2022, 10:30 - 11:30 (MEZ) Online

This webinar is aimed at providing participants with the appropriate tools that can put them in the position of choosing between an Agency or a Distribution Agreement when doing business with a Japanese partner. It will also provide the specific terminology (kanji) to distinguish between Distributor and Agency. This will be a way to immediately understand the type of agreement your Japanese partner or consultant is proposing or suggesting to you. These instruments will support you in making the right decision, since it is not convenient to start a commercial relationship with Japan without knowing the basic differences in the agreements.

The webinar targets EU companies seeking to develop their activities in Japan or non-profit support organisations aiming at supporting these EU companies in their internationalisation process with Japan.


Deadline: 21 November 2022

Please find more information and the registration form via https://www.eubusinessinjapan.eu/library/event/about-japan-webinar-series-202-how-to-draft-agreements.

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