Greater Nagoya Initiative Deutschland 2018, Japan 2019
Mo 29.10.2018, 00:00 - Fr 02.11.2018, 00:00 Uhr , Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart
Information für Unternehmen mit Geschäftsinteresse an Japan
Information für Unternehmen mit Geschäftsinteresse an Japan
Topic “Applying for a job in Germany”
Roundtable featuring three leading experts on sport mega-events
Seminar especially for expats, international professionals and their families
Discussing responsibilities of enterprises for their impacts on society.
Networking I Information I Business
Informationen zum DJW und über unsere zukünftigen Projekte.
Vortrag von Dr. Ruprecht Vondran (Ehrenvorsitzender des Deutsch-Japanischen Wirtschaftskreises und Ehrenpräsident des Verbandes Deutsch-Japanischer Gesellschaften)
10% Discount of participation fees for DJW Members!
Special speech session of Mr. Rüdiger Marquardt, Member of the Executive Board, DIN German Institute for Standardization
German and Japanese Corporate Governance complying with GDPR.
German and Japanese Corporate Governance complying with GDPR.
Kooperationsmöglichkeiten und Erfolgsgeschichten
Medizintechnik als eine zentrale Wachstumsbranche in Japan.
Event targeting mostly partners or family members of expats, as well as qualified international specialists who are looking for a job and need support and advice…
Keynote. Pitch. Partnering. Exhibition. Workshops. Networking. Get Together.
Registration deadline: 24 Sep. 2018
Status quo and economic chances of the agreement.
Experience Industry 4.0 with Examples of Applications.