DJW Veranstaltungen

Safety and Security in Sensor Technologies for Society 5.0

DJW Asa no Kai

Sensors | Data | Security

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Mi 25.01.2023, 08:30 - 10:00 (MEZ)
LEG Thüringen
Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt


We may not realize it, but in our everyday lives, sensors are ubiquitous. They range from simple temperature sensors in refrigerators and heaters to complex electronic sensors in our smart phones, smart speakers and smart homes, our cars, trains and planes, and sometimes even our bodies.

The growing availability of wireless internet connections and the ease of use of cloud services have led to a focus on the connectivity of sensors in the past 15 years. It is comfortable for private and industrial users alike to be able to access a sensor’s data without needing to be physically connected to it by a cable. 

However, more recently, users and developers of electronic sensors are reevaluating this focus on connectivity, as they are increasingly aware of the dangers associated with an easily accessible connectivity of sensors.

Our speaker, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ortlepp, is Managing Director of CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik GmbH, a privately organized, non-profit, business-oriented research institution and one of the leading institutes for the development of high-quality, silicon-based microsensors and microsystems, especially in the fields of MEMS and MOEMS. Since 2015, he is also Distinguished Professor at Yokohama National University in Japan, heading the Chair of Sensor Technology and Energy Efficient Microelectronics.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Ortlepp will take us on a journey through sensor development, looking at the past two decades and future trends.  


Prof. Dr. Thomas Ortlepp, Managing Director, CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik


08:30  Registration, Networking with Light Breakfast
09:00  Word of Greeting by Anita Spiegler, LEG Thüringen
09:10  Speech by Prof. Dr. Thomas Ortlepp
09:30  Discussion, Q&A with Audience
10:00  Close

Moderation by Anne Pomsel, Managing Director, DJW


LEG Thüringen

Speaking Language


Participation Fee

DJW Members: EUR 0 / JPY 0
Non-Members: EUR 35 / JPY 5.000

For this event, we can welcome a maximum of 30 participants. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Please Note:
According to our conditions of participation, the participation fee is due for no-shows as well. Registered participants who need to cancel their attendance may do so by email ( up to 3 days prior to the event. Thank you for your cooperation.


Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftskreis e. V. (DJW)
Anne Pomsel

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ortlepp Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ortlepp
Partner: LEG Thüringen Partner: LEG Thüringen
