DJW Veranstaltungen

DJW Working Group Meeting "Intercultural Management"

Shape the DJW Working Group with Your Ideas

Monthly event

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Fr 16.07.2021, 11:00 - 12:30 (MESZ)
Fr 16.07.2021, 18:00 - 19:30 (JST)

Online (Microsoft Teams)

DJW member Dr. Rolf Schlunze would like to invite you to the open meeting of DJW Working Group Intercultural Communication. 

The DJW Working Group Intercultural Communication discusses DJW members’ cultural approaches, by offering different subjects, relating to e.g. trust, empathy, synergy etc., during our monthly meetings, conducted in the Workspace Intercultural Communication within the DJW Networking Hub. 

All our meetings start with a kick-off presentation on various subjects, followed by an open question-guided discussion. The meetings usually last one hour. Our idea is to provide an extended opportunity for exchange this time. So far, we discussed trust building in general in German-Japanese teams and also toughness and humanity or empathy. Aligned with the wider agenda and interest of our fellow DJW members, we wish to promote competent cultural exchanges. 

We like to encourage people to succeed with trust building, cultural synergy creation and innovative ideas throughout intercultural exchange and therefore, we would like to open up to a wider audience. Observing generational and behavioral changes during the covid-19 crisis, we aim to build bridges between young enthusiastic or culturally experienced elder people beyond borders.  Therefore, we promote the exchange of experiences and helping to create awareness of recent challenges in intercultural workplaces. 

After reviewing our previous talks briefly together with interested members, we would like to invite additional ideas from the meeting participants, forming a unique DJW team culture. 


You can join the meeting by clicking the link on Workspace Intercultural in our Networking Hub or sign up for this event above so that you will receive the link to enter via e-mail. 


Prof. Dr. Rolf D. Schlunze
DJW Working Group Intercultural
