DJW Veranstaltungen

Seminar by Consulate General Osaka-Kobe, AHK Japan and DJW

"German Economic Roundtable"

Opportunity to expand your personal network among the Japanese-German business community in the Kansai area.

Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.

Aktuelle DJW-Veranstaltungen anzeigen
Do 21.09.2017, 18:30 - 21:00 ()

Umeda Sky Building
Sky banquet room “Ten-pu” (39th floor)
〒531-0076 1-1-88 Oyodo-naka
Kita-ku, Osaka City

The German Consulate General Osaka-Kobe, The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Japan (DIHKJ) and The Japanese-German Business Association (DJW) are pleased to invite you to our upcoming joint networking event “German Economic Roundtable”.

It will be held in the Sky banquet room “Ten-pu” on the 39th floor of the Umeda Sky Building on 

                                                 Thursday, September 21st 2017 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm. 

With this event we are aiming to revive our previous tradition of offering quarterly seminars and networking opportunities for German and Japanese members and friends of our three organizations.  As the event coincides with the upcoming “Osaka World Smart Energy Week”, we are pleased to announce two speakers that will briefly share their perspective on the topic of Smart Energy with us:

  • Jörg Fischer, CFO of the German biogas company EnviTec AG and participant in the EU program “Green Gateway to Japan”, will present EnviTec’s successful entry to the Japanese market with a first project in Osaka.
  • Ryuichi Hirotani, Senior Manager at Iwatani Corporation will introduce his company’s ambitious activities towards the goal of realizing a Japanese Hydrogen Society, as well as its business relations with Germany.

The presentations will be in English, but we will also have an interpreter around for questions and comments in Japanese. After the talks you are invited to a buffet reception with plenty of networking time.     

In case you are interested in attending this event, please register via mail ( or fax (+81-(0)6-6440-5080). The number of participants is limited to 40, so please rsvp as soon as possible (first come, first served!)


Consul General Dr. Köhler. Consul General Dr. Köhler.
