DJW Veranstaltungen

Key Points for Operating Local Subsidiaries in Germany

Focusing on the Responsibilities of Managing Directors

Japanese managing directors of German subsidiaries | GDPR | NIS2 Directive

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Fr 18.10.2024, 16:00 - 18:00 (MESZ)

Hansa Haus
Brienner Straße 39
80333 Munich

Fourius Law Firm, Enobyte GmbH, Kitahama Partners and DJW will jointly host a seminar on the theme “Key Points for Operating Local Subsidiaries in Germany: Focusing on the Responsibilities of Managing Directors.”

Many Japanese companies have subsidiaries in Germany. This seminar will address organizational issues and responsibilities that managing directors of German subsidiaries and their supporting managers should be aware of, comparing them with Japanese law and business practices. The responsibilities imposed on managing directors under German GmbH law have unique aspects. Additionally, the GDPR, which is becoming recognized and established in Japan, and the NIS2 Directive (Network and Information Systems Directive) effective from 2023, impose a 24-hour notification obligation in the field of cybersecurity, with significant fines for non-compliance. These are important considerations for operating local subsidiaries in Germany, even if they are unfamiliar in Japanese practice.

Enno Zipse, a lawyer from Fourius Law Firm, will explain German law, and Hermann Gumpp from Enobyte GmbH will cover GDPR and cybersecurity. Kitahama Law Office’s lawyer, Mr. Naka, will ask questions from a Japanese perspective to deepen the discussion.

  • All explanations will be conducted in Japanese.
  • The event will be conducted as on-site event.
  • The event is open for everybody interested in attending.


  • 15:30 – 16:00 Registration & Networking
  • 16:00 - 16:10 Opening Remarks & Speaker Introduction
  • 16:10 – 17:25 Lectures & Discussions
    • 16:10 - 16:35 German Law
    • 16:35 - 17:00 GDPR & Cybersecurity
    • Panel Discussion & Q&As
  • 17:25 - 17:30 Closing Remarks
  • 17:30 - 18:00 Reception & Networking
  • 18:00 - Second Party (optional, moving to a restaurant outside the venue) 


Participation Fee

Participation is free of charge but prior registration mandatory.

How to Register

If you wish to participate in this seminar, please register via the green button above. Non-DJW members can also apply using the same form. Please note that registration may close once the maximum number of participants is reached.
