Collaboration and Cooperation among German and Japanese Startups
Simultaneous Connection of Startups in Berlin and Tokyo via Skype
Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.
Aktuelle DJW-Veranstaltungen anzeigenBerlin:
#openspace Bülowstraße 80
10783 Berlin
FinGATE Nihonbashi
Kayaba-cho, Tokyo
A new generation of enterprises is on the rise in Japan and Germany: innovative startup companies with high growth potential are creating an emerging sector in our highly industrialized, knowledge-based economies.
The idea for the “Germany-Japan Startups Platform” was born in 2016 when DJW made startups and their ecosystems in Germany and Japan topic of its anniversary symposiums in Berlin and Tokyo. On February 28th 2017, the 1st general conference took place with almost 200 participants connecting two big cities and their startups simultaneously via video conference.
Please also check out this short video (2:29 min) on YouTube as well as a report of TV Berlin (11:28 min)!
The following 4 points make this platform unique:
(1) Video conferences directly connecting startups in Germany and Japan
The “Germany-Japan Startups Platform” aims to establish a basic framework for an effective cooperation among startup companies in Germany and Japan; it is a unique platform offering startups in Germany and Japan a direct connection to each other. After the kick-off General Conference between Berlin and Tokyo, we seek to hold similar events connecting German cities with Japanese ones.
(2) Digitization for innovation; creating a digital bilateral ecosystem for the success of all participants
This video conference
1) exemplifies how digitization provides an opportunity for startups to expand their business across the markets and create innovation
2) welcomes participants from the Mittelstand & large enterprises as well as any professionals with an interest in creating innovation together with startups.
We know of the importance of face-to-face meetings. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this platform is to establish at first a startup ecosystem based on digitization, which would then lead to face-to-face meetings of our participants either in Germany, Japan, or somewhere else.
(3) Four areas of focus
The 1st General Conference covered basic topics of matter for startups in Germany and Japan. After this conference, Segmental Conferences will follow. In order to make an impact on the startup ecosystem and to establish proper sub-groups under the platform, we will focus on the following specific areas:
1) FinTech,
2) Media & Contents,
3) BioTech/Life Science, Medical & Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Food & Beverages, and
4) IoT, Manufacturing.
By combining General Conferences and Segmental Conferences, the platform will promote the understanding among all participants.
(4) 10 Startup Pitches; 5 from Berlin and 5 from Tokyo
During the 1st General Conference, 10 startups presented their business plans, followed by Q&A sessions with the audience. Business plans and the messages from the 10 startups are available on the Facebook Page for the 1st General Conference between Berlin and Tokyo.
Venue of the 1st General Conference
- Berlin: #openspace, Bülowstraße 80, 10783 Berlin
- Tokyo: FinGATE, Tokyo, Nihonbashi, 1-8-1 Kayaba-cho, Heiwa Bldg., 1F
Part I (Video Conference) 10.00 - 11.30 / 18.00 - 19.30
Opening Remarks
- H.E. Ambassador of Japan to Germany, Takeshi Yagi (Berlin)
- H.E. Ambassador of Germany to Japan, Carl Hans von Werthern (Tokyo)
- Prof. Jörg Rocholl, Ph.D., President, ESMT Berlin (Berlin, video message)
Pitches from 10 startups (5 in Berlin, 5 in Tokyo; please find detailed information on the pitches on DJW Facebook page)
Wrap up and announcement of future plan
- Moderator: Goya Kobayashi, Financial Attaché, Embassy of Japan in Germany
- Master of Ceremony: Julia Muench, Director, Japanese-German Business Association (DJW)
Part II (Networking Reception) - 11:30 - 13.30 / 19:30 - 21:30
Thanks to the support of the sponsors, participation was free of charge.