DJW Veranstaltungen

DJW "Asa no Kai"

"Brexit and its influence on the political landscape"

with Burkhard Balz, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank

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Mi 10.04.2019, 08:45 - 10:30 ()

Ark Mori Building, 7F
12-32, Akasaka 1-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo
107-6006 Japan


Upon the referendum voting in favor of leaving the European Union in June 2016, Prime Minister May triggered Article 50 of the Treaty on EU on March 29, 2017 – initially leaving a two-year time period to negotiate the arrangements for the exit of the United Kingdom. With several contract negotiations within the Parliament as well as between UK and EU, a number of changes of personnel in the Ministries, debates over ‘hard’ and ‘soft Brexit’, and a vote of no confidence, PM May was re-submitting the Brexit deal to the Members of Parliament. Negotiatons with EU paved the way for a postponement of Brexit, potentially until May 22 with the European Parlament elections just one day later.

Our speaker shed light on the current developments of Brexit, its potential outcome and significance for the political landscape in Europe. Please see the download file below for detailed information.


Burkhard Balz has been Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank since September 2018, being responsible for Economic Education, University of Applied Sciences and International Central Bank Dialogue, as well as Payments and Settlement Systems. Prior to joining Deutsche Bundesbank he was Member of the European Parliament (CDU), serving as the EPP Group’s coordinator on the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (2009 to 2018), and worked for Commerzbank AG in Brussels, Frankfurt and Hannover (2000 to 2009). 


  • 08.45 Registration, Networking
  • 09.15 Opening by Dr. Julia Münch, Managing Director, DJW
  • 09.20 Greeting by Tetsuo Narukawa, Vice Chairman, DJW
  • 09.25 Greeting by Shigeki Maeda, Executive Vice President, JETRO
  • 09.30 Breakfast
  • 09.50 Speech by Burkhard Balz, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • 10.10 Q & A
  • 10.30 Close

Impressions Asa no Kai (Tokyo, 10.04.2019)


© Vogel, Deutsche Bundesbank © Vogel, Deutsche Bundesbank
Speaker Burkhard Balz © Frank Rumpenhorst Speaker Burkhard Balz © Frank Rumpenhorst
