
Constructing Interculturality

DJW Working Group Meeting "Intercultural Management"

Concept of Intercultural Competence | Enthusing New Members | Socializing

Diese Veranstaltung liegt bereits in der Vergangenheit.

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Mi 11.01.2023, 11:00 - 12:00 (MEZ)
Mi 11.01.2023, 19:00 - 20:00 (JST)

DJW members Dr. Rolf Schlunze and Silvia Lawrence would like to invite you to contribute to the DJW Working Group "Intercultural Management":

Dear Members, dear Friends,

The DJW Working Group "Intercultural Management" meets once a month, to discuss the topic of intercultural competence. During our next meeting, on January 11, 2023, the topic will be “Constructing Interculturality”.

We will have following objectives:

  1. What is a useful concept of intercultural competence building for agile & aligned DJW members?
  2. How can agile DJW members enthuse new and/or Japanese members to construct an interculturality?
  3. What do we need to observe as most important to build intercultural competence among our members socializing and interacting with each other?

During our meetings all participants will be invited to provide their opinion and alternative solutions on these issues. Participants have an opportunity to relate to each other selecting the next speaker themselves. We like to encourage everybody to contribute with their own experiences bettering our intercultural competence.

Do not forget to register in time visiting the DJW homepage! Feel free to join our meetings even if you have not been part of the previous one. Once you are part of the workspace you can freely join our subsequent meetings and/or communicate with other members in our workspace Intercultural Management.

Participation of the meetings is free of charge for DJW members and newcomers. Do not hesitate to mail to if you have any questions and/or like to contribute with an opening talk on the particular topic and / or the theme intercultural competence.

With best regards,

Rolf and Silvia



You can join the meeting by clicking the link on Workspace Intercultural in our Networking Hub or sign up for this event above so that you will receive the link to enter via e-mail.

Please note that participation is free of charge for DJW members. Non-members of DJW may attend up to two working group meetings free of charge. If you then would like to join further meetings, we invite you to explore the benefits of a DJW membership and join us as a member.


Prof. Dr. Rolf D. Schlunze
DJW Working Group Intercultural Management
