“Level playing field: Are Japanese and German technology companies exploiting their reciprocal strength? – An industry’s perspective”
with Karl Alexander Haeusgen, Speaker of the Board of Management, HAWE Hydraulik SE
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Kulturstraße 44
85356 Freising
Robotics, Industry 4.0 and digitalisation are well discussed topics across sectors. In an increasingly globalised and industrialised world, it could be expected that the exchange of innovation, technology, research and knowledge should rise as well. Nevertheless, even though Japan and Germany, as leading nations contributing to above processes, share similar challenges and common economic strengths, bilateral trade, interchange of research and knowledge as well as innovation between both economies and their tech-companies are rather nominal.
Are both nations missing out chances through the lack of technology interchange? Would a free trade agreement ease cooperation and commerce? How could common potentials be exploited and reciprocal strengths be joined? Our speaker will share his experience and expert knowledge out of an industry’s perspective.
Karl Haeusgen has been Speaker of the Board of Management of HAWE Hydraulik SE since October 2008; he is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of HAWE in Japan. He joined HAWE in 1994 and held the positions of Head of International Sales (1994 - 1996) and Managing Director of the HAWE Hydraulik Group (1996 - 9/2008). Prior, he worked for MAHO Aktiengesellschaft (1993) and Barmag Far East Ltd. in Hong Kong (1994). Haeusgen gained his MBA at University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Among various honorary activities, he holds the position of Vice President of VDMA (Association of German Machine and Plant Manufacturers) and is Member of the Presiding Committee of vbw (Association of Bavarian Business).
- 08:00 – Registration, Networking
- 08:30 – Welcome, Breakfast
- 09:00 – Speech, Q&A
- 09:30 – Discussion
- 10:00 – Site Tour "Behind the Scenes"
- 11:00 – Close