Unternehmen / Institution
Ritsumeikan University
Osaka Ibaraki Campus
2-150 Iwakura-cho
567-8570 Ibaraki
Herr Shingo Nakamura
Über uns
Introduction of College of Business Administration and Department of International Management

The faculty consist of a College the of Business Administration and the Department of International Management. Both departments provide course that nurture the talent of domestic and international students. The objective research and teaching activities is to explore managerial problems and solutions on the macro, meso and micro level by raising the awareness of the interdependencies institutional, organizational and individual challenges in turbulent and uncertain times as described by the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world. Faculty members are alert to these changes and provides new content within existing and new courses. Research activities extent to a variety of international management issues, in particular, global leadership by SDGs, Japanese and German environmental integrated production systems and synergy creation by German Japanese boundary spanners.